Thursday, October 28, 2010

Walking Poetry

We took a walk that afternoon
only me and my pet dog.
We walked by an old mine
and sat on an ancient log.

I had bad feelings
about this woody log
because when I had looked
I saw a rattler eating a frog.

Then my dog and I frantically ran
across the beaten field
through the rocky stream
and hid in the cornfield.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Chemistry of 7th grade

     I am working on making my finger go bloody, having an invisible ink, and a lot more.   Most come out right, but some do not.   I have to wear glasses and big gloves so that I will not get any irritant stuff on my hands.   This is a picture of me and my ingredients.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Comfort Poetry

Stop naughty boy
Cry no more
The snake is gone
Cry no more
When we get home
I will make a shake
Sorry boy
It was a fake
Cry no more

Monday, October 25, 2010

Poetry from the past

This is my bow

It will end a birdsong
Made of dark wood
and is very strong

This is my bow

I pull to shoot
Streaking through the air
Too bad! I hit a root

This is my bow

What a blow
It's not made in the U.S.
It's made in Congo