Monday, April 18, 2011

At the Painting Place

This Sunday Josh Caleb and I went to the place that we painted during Christmas break.   They have a well which they hand dug in about three days and is about 20 feet.   They built some nice bathrooms and showers.   Well we went there to play soccer so while their food was cooking we played soccer on the roadway .   It was pretty even teams though they had this really big buff guy which you could see they veins popping out.   Caleb and Josh's team won.   They were all really muscular because of all the work thay had been doing.


  1. Am I included in the really buff team? I must be because I have Mt. Everest and Mt. Kilimanjaro as biceps!

  2. Why don't you take a picture of them and put them on? See if they really are as you say they are.
